Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Things I Love #3 Cardigans

I love to read fashion blogs. One of my favorites is Even though I'm not in college (darn), I love to hear what their contributors have to say about the season's cutest boots, winter coats, or even Halloween costumes.

Alot of the time, they talk about finding something that you think defines your personal style. I've watched enough What Not to Wear to know that there are certain things I should wear and things that I should avoid. One of my wardrobe staples has become the cardigan. I frickin' love them!

Seriously, they are awesome. They can be worn over dresses or a button down shirt, or completely buttoned up. They are also one of those pieces that transition from winter to summer really easily (depending on their material). I realize that some people think cardigans are boring (i.e Mister Rogers), but I think they are preppy and cool.

My favorite places right now to pick up my cardigan gems are Ann Taylor (dude, I shop at the outlet, so I'm not even going to link to their site) and NY and Company (they had awesome argyle ones around Christmas-LOVE LOVE LOVE). I love ones that are printed (so chic with a pair of dress pants or a cute skirt!) or that have detailed buttons.

Ah, cardigans. It's the little things, ya know? Do you have a fashion staple? Something you really love to wear?

1 comment:

  1. yep the sweater and some of my crocheted scarfs the really long ones . I love cardigans too .


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