Monday, January 18, 2010

January Goals Update #2

Is January really halfway over? Where the heck has this month gone?

I'm cruising along quite nicely with my goals. My water intake is still right around 60-64 oz each day. To help keep track of all my drinking, I purchased a fancy Camelback water bottle on Amazon for super cheap. It's 32 oz, so all I have to do is drink two of them a day and I'm golden. It's nonleeching and is also perfect to take to the gym with me.

I also finished my generic birthday card to send to my friends and family this year. All I need to do is get some adhesive to attach the photo to card stock. As you'll recall, I created a Google Calendar with all of the birthdays on there and have set up reminders for two weeks before the birthday to fill out the card and put it in the mail. Over the holidays, Ross and I stocked up on Forever stamps, so I have everything I need to be a birthday card queen.

How are your resolutions and goals coming along?

1 comment:

  1. I never make resolutions at all . I never follow through so I never make them . LOL !!


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