Tuesday, January 19, 2010

About friends...

I've always been a good friend, in my opinion. I'm a good listener, overwhelmingly optimistic, and thoughtful. Oftentimes, I'm the "third" person in a best friend friendship. I remember in elementary school being drawn to people that already had best friends. It was pretty crappy because I would end up getting left out occasionally. Despite that, I managed to always try and be the best friend that I could be.

In high school, I mixed with pretty much every group in my high school, besides the uber popular kids. I had friends that were athletes and people I hung out with because we played softball. When I stopped playing softball, the theater kids accepted me with open arms and I made friends with a group of theater girls. I gained another group of friends when I started dating Ross. In college, I had a very tight knit group of friends who became my second family. They continue to be my very best friends, but most of them don't live close enough where we have the opportunity to grab dinner on a weekly basis and scheduling a weekend trip to see them is tough for everyone. My mom and sister also end up in that group of "best friends" and I get to see them alot, but I miss having a group to go out dancing with on a random Saturday night or meet up with for coffee during the week.

I'm not looking for people to replace my girls, for sure. I'm just looking to expand my social circle and make some quality "DC" friends. I've read that alot of people experience this in their twenties, so tell me: What's the best way to make friends in a big city? Have you had success on sites like Meetup.com? Do you have any advice for me?


  1. no advice here cause I move around too much for my hubbys job so we really dont have many friends . cant make any when we are moving all the time . Good luck and i hope others have advice for you .

  2. I am not sure I have advice. I have met people through work, church, and even meetups. I met a few girls on theknot/thenest that I chat with occasionally. Still don't have even a handful of close girlfriends in NoVa. I think it is hard because "we" are all getting married, learning how to be a wife, getting pregnant, learning how to be a mom as well as moving, starting new jobs, and plus all the extra personal stuff that time, for me, is the biggest road block.
    I constantly make excuses for why now is not a great time. Alvin and I just discussed this last weekend and I will make an effort to find some friends!

    So yes, I think this is common in our 20s.


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