Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Christmas Adventure, Part 2

Where we last left off, Ross and I had managed to hike down to Woodbridge to spend a few days with the fams for the holidays. Both of our families live in the same town, which can be difficult if you're not smart, charming, or flexible (Good thing we're all of those things!!!). We arrived on Christmas Eve and spent time enjoying some serious appetizers that Mom and Dad B had whipped up. We also debated on whether to spike the wassail, but decided aganist it since we had to go to church and stuff.

We churched with my fam, then churched with Ross' fam, which is way more church than we have been to all year. Really.

After church, we headed to Ross' family's house where we planned to spend Christmas Eve and do Christmas morning. As my first Christmas Eve away from my parents, it was alittle tough. But I got to be a part of the "hanging our stockings" tradition and even hear the yearly rendition of "The Night Before Christmas," which was really fun. Christmas morning was lovely- presents, breakfast, and the trek back across town to my family's house where my parents had refused to open any gifts until we arrived. My sister had lost her patience a tad (I got a text message that simply said "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS? HURRY UP!", but I told her that it was awesome that Christmas got to be spread out throughout the entire day. I'm an optimist, yo.

After presents, Ross and I helped my family get ready for Christmas dinner. And then, we were successful two places at once- Christmas dinner with both families- because his family came to my family's for dinner! And it rocked. This was year number two for this tradition and I seriously like it. We had awesome food, all of the rents got to chat, and all the siblings got to chat about college and the gifts they received.

I was asleep by 10pm, which was fine since we had a day of traveling ahead of us, to PAto see Ross' grandparents and "do Christmas" with them. We also fit in a ski day with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law while we were there, that went 100% better than last year. (Maybe it was because I didn't set foot on a snowboard? Or that I could almost lift my skis myself? Or that I made it down that mountain more than twice?)

Overall, my vacation was awesome. I blabbed about it for two whole posts, why don't you tell me about your holiday?

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