Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What I want to be when I grow up...#3

Today we'll continue to investigate some of my career options (well, I'm not sure any of these things are options right now) and figure out what I really want to do with my life.

When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. I sort of thought about teaching when I was in high school but never thought about it again until I was confined to a cubicle everyday this summer. I'd love to have a summer vacation and to help young people. I think I would like to teach high school English and maybe help with the theater department (secret confession: I am a theater kid deep down inside. I think about performing more than normal people, yet I never tried out for anything in college because I was BLOWN AWAY by the talented kids I saw. I am sure now I should have maybe atleast auditioned for something since I did act in high school). I feel like high school is a pretty amazing time for kids (I always told my sister that it was only the beginning and that she would have amazing opportunities, post high school) and they really have the chance to set themselves up for something really great.

I've looked at programs here in VA, but it would probably mean going back to school for atleast a year. And there's alot of extra work you put into teaching like lesson planning, workdays, and not to mention the added parent/teacher stress. And would I even be good at teaching?

Pretty good hours, interaction with people and not the internet all day, summer vacay, and SCHOOL LUNCH? I might need to do more research....


  1. Remember you can do anything you put your mind to. You've done so much so far. Yes, I think you would be a good teacher because of the passion you have inside. lyatw Mom.

  2. oh allison please re consider teaching it is a dangerous proffesion these days .There is college and being a proffesor if your really set on teaching.

  3. There's a Master's program for future teachers at Marymount that I think can be accomplished in one year. Might be worth exploring!

  4. YAY!!!! English Teachers! on my way to fulfilling that dream


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