Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Things I love #2- Tiffany Heart Necklace

One of my favorite things to wear is my Elsa Peretti Tiffany's Heart Necklace that Ross got me for Christmas my sophomore year of college. It was a huge gift for college kid to give his girlfriend, but I pined after the necklace for many months. I sent Ross pictures of the necklace and reminders to purchase it.

I was very happy to unwrap a bright Tiffany blue box on Christmas Eve and find my BEAUTIFUL heart necklace. I've pretty much worn it ever since. I'm simple when it comes to my jewelry and the necklace matches everything and is very classic. I've worn it for special occasions, job interviews, and to work or class.



  1. that is so nice. thanks for sharing and posting this.

  2. I like mine too. I do have to say that my Tiffany Cross is my favorite. OOOHHHH Tiffanys!!!!


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