Tuesday, October 27, 2009

5 things

1. Why is it that I watch certain movies every single time they come on HBO? Current choices include Juno, Baby Mama, The Women, and 27 Dresses. I watched Juno last night simply because I didn't want to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8. My life is pathetic.

2. Last week, I had 4 grilled cheese sandwiches since I was by myself most of the week. I have vowed to not eat ANY grilled cheese sandwiches even though Ross is traveling this week, again. I spent my whole day Sunday cooking so I wouldn't have to eat grilled cheese. I made a pot roast, chicken noodle soup, cinnamon buns, and chocolate chip cookies. Please refer to me hereafter as Betty Crocker.

3. I apologized to someone who I ran into yesterday at the grocery store, even though they walked in through the wrong door. As soon as I apologized, I realized it wasn't my fault and that the person should have apologized. Instead, she just pushed by me.

4. I think it's weird when people bring up something I've posted on Facebook or Twitter in real life, even though it shouldn't since I posted it there. Someone brought up something I posted on Twitter yesterday and it took me a minute to realize that he was referring to something I said.

5. I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up and I'm not having very good luck. Should you like anything that you see here and want to hire me to do something awesome, feel free to leave a comment and I will send you my e-mail address.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Betty Crocker here goes .Sometimes we realize we have done things without really knowing we have done them . LOL !!! I cant believe you cooked all that food just to avoid grilled cheese LOL !!! You are too funny .


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