Friday, September 11, 2009

What I want to be when I grow up...

Last night, as I talked to my mom, I realized that I want to be alot of things when I grow up. You might say "You are already grown up, Allison. You are married. You have a job. And insurance. And a car payment. And financial responsibilities. And heck, you have a dog and that's pretty much the closest thing to having a kid, without having one, so you are an adult and a grown up. So shut up, press on, and be happy." (And if you said all those things, I would think you were full of moxie and like you since I've been thinking those things for weeks- no, months- no, the last year, and needed someone to say it again.)

But I don't really know what I would do if I had the choice. Over the next few weeks, we'll explore my career options (or simply things that pop into my mind that I think "YES! I could do that" and then swiftly convince myself I cannot do). Maybe at the end of this exploration, you (my faithful two readers- Hi Mom, Hi Beck!) can vote on what I should do. I realize that pretty much everything on "The List of Possible Careers" is something that would require further education (my undergraduate degree is in Sociology, the quintessential football player major, and my minor is in Nonprofit Studies. You will see from those two things, I am destined to be poor.) and I'm down with that.

So, firstly- When I grow up, I want to be a graphic designer. Why? Because I like art. I actually wrote a paper in 8th grade about how I wanted to be a graphic designer and I took portfolio art all through high school in hopes that maybe I'd go to art school. But, I decided to head to a liberal arts college as an English major and my art was something that I practiced through scrapbooking and acrylic on canvas. Graphic design is something that I just do for fun-like logos for my sister and her friends (see an example above and to the left)-but I think I would enjoy actually doing that for a living.

Do you think I have what it takes?


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I looked at that picture before I read the blog post and thought "That's so cute!"

  2. Go for it! I think the logo above looks great, and graphic design is something you can even do on the side for awhile.
    PS - I am still constantly deciding what I want to be when I'm grown up too!

  3. well i think that logo is just amazing! thanks A the blog is going great!

  4. p.s. A, becca is like my big sis thus making you a part of my family too and for what its worth I honestly think that you can do anything that you put your mind to, so before you count anything out just try it.


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