Monday, November 30, 2009

NaBloPoMo FAIL and a Thanksgiving Recap

Well, this year I didn't complete NaBloPoMo. Again. For the second year. Novemeber always seems to be a month that whizzes by me before I even realize it. And then it's December 1st and I'm jazzed about the holidays. So anyways, hopefully next year I'll be able to keep up with posting everyday.

To recap, my Thanksgiving was pretty great. Unlike many people with diabetes, I didn't have the Diabetes Police asking about everything I ate (even when I ate two Georgetown Cupcakes for dessert). The fam is uber supportive and trust me to make good decisions for myself and I don't think they've ever said "can you eat that?" And no, my blood sugar was not in optimal range for most of the day, but I did what I could and gave my pump a workout and I tried to do better on Friday. That's all ya can do sometimes.

I also got to spend some time with my family, which is the best. Getting coffee with my sister, talking to my mom while she makes tea, and discussing business with my dad was awesome. And I can't forgot my husband and his execeptional babysitting skills when it came to looking after Tucker and Bella (the pups) and Kate and Luke (my cousins). Even after a disasterous trip to the park, in which 3 out of 4 of the animals came back drenched (Tucker, Bella, and Luke-who had slid down a slide and gotten his pants completely soaked), Ross remained patient and calm.

Now, we begin getting ready for December and the holiday season. Our tree is up and we're making plans for Christmas and New Year's. It's sure to be a busy few weeks.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving MeMe

1. What are the traditional favorites? Turkey, cranberry salad, and mashed potatoes

2. What new recipes will you try this year? I'm making cinnamon buns for breakfast- hoping they turn out okay!

3. What part of the meal do you never compromise? Turkey- always turkey! Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without the bird!

4. Who gets to carve the turkey? My dad or my mom, doesn't really matter in our house

5. Family style around the table or buffet style and everyone sits wherever there’s room? Buffet in our kitchen and then sitting in the dining room

6. How many will be at your table this year? There will probably be two tables this year. My mom, dad, Grandma Kay, Papa Bob, my uncle, my sister, Ross, and me :). I suspect Ross, Beck, and I will be at the "kids table"

7. Three best pies for Thanksgiving dessert? Apple or berry. I think We're having Georgetown Cupcakes for dessert since the hubs has food allergy issues.

8. Cranberry sauce…yeah or nay? Yes, the yummy cranberry salad my mom makes (that has sugar-free raspberry Jello in it!

9. What time do you eat Thanksgiving dinner? In the afternoon, around 2 or 3pm.

10. Favorite leftover? I love them all. I'm hoping to snag some leftover turkey this year and attempt turkey noodle soup. I also love the cranberry salad on the second day. Yum!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The DC Ladies Blog

I just wanted to give a quick update about an awesome new blog that I am SO HAPPY to be a part of! The DC Ladies Blog covers what is fun, fashionable, family related and fabulous in the DC-area for women. The blog was started by Shelley and Sarah, an awesome mother/daughter team and after connecting with them on Twitter, I managed to get a spot contributing there!

I'll be writing about health and talking about my adventures with Lil Tuck (the pup). My first post will be up next Friday, but please stop by often to read the other ladies cover topics such as food and wine, events, home and garden, bridal, children and family, photography, and fashion!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, Monday

A few things:

1. I just ate a whole small bag of Sour Patch Kids as dessert with my lunch without even realizing it. I opened the bag and then all of a sudden they were gone. I just had to bolus for 78 grams of carbohydrates and took about 10 units of insulin.

2. I woke up this morning with my dog's paw in my face. He decided to sleep in our bed last night (along with my in-laws' dog, Cooper), so between the puppies and my insulin pump blaring to be changed, I didn't sleep very well.

3. My husband is participating in "Manvember" and is refusing to shave for the entire month. I feel like I am married to a lumberjack.

4. Yesterday, I went to a kickboxing class at the gym. I'm happy that I can kick higher than my husband, but after showing off and attempting to roundhouse kick him in the face, my entire body hurts.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I am not good about posting.

So this weekend, I got so busy with my friends that I forgot about NaBloPoMo and ruined my streak of posting. Work has been busy and I've been busy in the evenings. Hopefully, I can get back in the saddle and finish up the rest of the month!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday #9 Revealed

Yesterday's picture was of Tucker on Saturday. We were on our way to pick up my race number for the Acumen 8k that I ran in on Sunday morning. The race went well considering I hadn't really been training and when I was running it was only for about 2 miles. I managed to finish the 8k (5mi) race in 55 minutes. I shaved about a minute off of my average mile time from the half marathon, but I didn't finish in enough time to qualify for the National Half in March. I have to take about 3 minutes off of my 8k time to qualify.

And yes, Tuck is wearing his costume. He was such a sport and rocked that thing all day.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What I want to be when I grow up...#3

Today we'll continue to investigate some of my career options (well, I'm not sure any of these things are options right now) and figure out what I really want to do with my life.

When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. I sort of thought about teaching when I was in high school but never thought about it again until I was confined to a cubicle everyday this summer. I'd love to have a summer vacation and to help young people. I think I would like to teach high school English and maybe help with the theater department (secret confession: I am a theater kid deep down inside. I think about performing more than normal people, yet I never tried out for anything in college because I was BLOWN AWAY by the talented kids I saw. I am sure now I should have maybe atleast auditioned for something since I did act in high school). I feel like high school is a pretty amazing time for kids (I always told my sister that it was only the beginning and that she would have amazing opportunities, post high school) and they really have the chance to set themselves up for something really great.

I've looked at programs here in VA, but it would probably mean going back to school for atleast a year. And there's alot of extra work you put into teaching like lesson planning, workdays, and not to mention the added parent/teacher stress. And would I even be good at teaching?

Pretty good hours, interaction with people and not the internet all day, summer vacay, and SCHOOL LUNCH? I might need to do more research....

Monday, November 2, 2009

American Diabetes Month...and my diabetes

November is American Diabetes Month, as you may have seen in the diabetes-world already. Many organizations are busy arranging events to promote awareness and many diabetes bloggers are jumping at the chance to give back.

Many organizations have rolled out new campaigns. The American Diabetes Association launched their "Stop Diabetes" movement. My favorite piece of the campaign is this PSA. I love the little boxes that pop up with the messages (the one with the mother checking the daughter's blood sugar is especially relevant after the I read about Burger King incident a few weeks ago on Shmae's blog).

I started my American Diabetes Month with a trip to my endo. We discussed how my new exercise routine is affecting my diabetes and how wearing my CGM really helps me to understand how my body reacts to insulin (looks like a sensor is going on tonight!). I'm working to send numbers to the office more often, so I feel accountable and maybe get some of my rates more fine tuned. As I work to improve my diabetes this month, I hope others work to improve their knowledge of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, realize their risk for type 2 diabetes, and make changes to improve their lives.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today's November 1st, which means we've embarked on another National Blog Posting Month. Last year, I tried to post everyday, but failed miserably. So, I'm planning ahead a bit and working on some stuff to write about in order to make sure that I complete my goal.

So, Happy November! Let's do this!